History of CFSM Singapore
The Christian Family and Social Movement, Singapore (CFSM) is a Catholic Lay Apostolate organization.
In the early 1960s, inspired by the then nascent movement of “Christian Groups with a social orientation” in Europe, some self-help family groups were started in the new housing estates in Singapore.
In 1963, the Movement was registered with the “Registrar of Societies” in Singapore, and began operating. The early groups had addressed the challenges of the fast-pace of social and economic changes facing all families living in the new housing estates in Singapore in the 1960s. Members were taught the process of “social enquiry” and learned to discern the reasons, the values and the consequences of societal changes on the person and in particular, on families.
Pursuing their line of sensitising themselves to the changes around them, questioning the root causes, re-examining, reflecting and discerning with guidance from Christian values, members became thinking, mature Christian citizens participating and contributing to the life of the Nation.
Today, the CFSM continues this formation of its members into all-round Christian adults, mainly parents, workers, citizens, etc. able to participate fully in the building of the nation. Its members still share and learn from one another in small family group gatherings, meeting mainly in the homes of its members. New members and young married couples with children found this method of grouping and sharing to be educational, developing the whole person in character building and a better sense of self-worth. In the process, they also become better parents, spouses, family members, workers, Christians and citizens.
The directions and organization, on a national scale, are provided by an executive committee of volunteers elected from among its members annually at the Annual General Meeting.
The Movement is self-financing, organizes faith and personal formation sessions and regularly circulates news articles on current issues as “food for thought and formation”. Participation and circulation is restricted only to its members.
The CFSM is affiliated to the International Confederation of Christian Family Movement (ICCFM) and the World Movement of Christian Workers (WMCW).
In Singapore, CFSM was a member of CARITAS but is now an associate of Catholic Family Life.
CFSM Spirituality
We are a Movement of Catholic families living out our Christianity in our daily lives.
We examine our lives’ challenges and experiences with the Review of Life [ See, Judge, Act] Method to arrive at a better understanding of what Christians in society must do to bring about a better world for our children and for all mankind.
Using our lives as the starting point, we have the Scriptures as our light, the Social Teachings of the Church as our guide to live the gospel values.
We learn to internalize our faith to become whole and total Christians and be discerning, participating and contributing members in all our life’s roles, as parents, workers, and as members of our families, Church, society, nation and affiliated world movements.
We gather as family groups to pray, to share and reflect on our faith and life’s experiences and on family and life’s issues. We encourage family prayers in everyday language, articulating our thanks and gratitude to God for all His blessings, and placing our lives and social concerns in His care. As family groups, we share and learn from one another our life and faith experiences, so as to live out God’s purpose in each one of us , and to participate in the building of God’s kingdom.
Article (2) of the Constitution of CFSM Singapore
Aims and Objects
The aims and objects of the CFSM shall be:
(1) To promote among adult people a lay apostolate as defined by the teaching of the Catholic Church.
(2) To promote among Catholics a consciousness of their role and responsibilities in society whereby they strive to perform their domestic, social and professional duties in a Christian spirit.
(3) To work and co-operate with all men in the promotion of whatever is true, just, and charitable for the common good in justice, peace and charity and respect for human dignity, irrespective of race, creed or culture.
Each base group normally hold their meeting once a month in a member's home. Sometimes, due to the covid situation, the meetings are held via zoom. The ROL method is used to examine the reality of the subject. The Executive Committee of the CFSM Singapore meets once every month.
International Affiliation
CFSM Singapore operates under the umbrella of the international organization know as the International Confederation of Christian Family Movements (ICCFM). http://www.iccfm.org